Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Photography of Andre Kertesz


What is the difference between a "good" photo and a "great" one? In my view it's in the composition. A careful and creative composition, which depends on deciding which elements to include in the photo and how to position them in the frame, elevates a photo from the craft of taking a snapshot to the level of pure art. One of the greatest "composers" of photography was Andre Kertesz whose photos revealed the hidden geometry in everyday objects when taken from interesting angles and perspectives. Another aspect of his works focused on revealing the unconscious self-refelctive  moments that his human subjects would find themselves in amidst the daily humdrum of crowded cityspaces. Kertesz would often wait for a long time to let the perfect composition arise naturally. These photos are only a glimpse into this visionary's fascinating body of work.